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Nitinol Superelastic Sheet; 1mm (0.04") thick; Af 10°C

  • $ 29.00


Nitinol Superelastic Sheet - 1mm Af 10°C

Shape memory sheet of 1mm thickness - an incredibly resilient material. The material can be bent with your hands when at room temperature, and returns to straight when heated.

The 1mm thick sheet can be cut with larger metal shears. Perfect for creating custom parts using a CNC mill.


  • Oxide free acid washed finish
  • 1mm Thick
  • Austenite Finish (Af): 10-15°C [50-59°F] - material exhibits best superelastic properties at room temperature
  • Material becomes malleable at below freezing temperatures
  • New shapes can be programmed with heat treatment

Purchase Options 

  • Maximum sheet size: 200*800mm [ 8 x 31.5 inches]; 1050g each
  • Sold in widths of 7.9 inches, in 1 inch increments

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